A Brief Guide College Track and Field Recruiting

Those intangibles that you're looking for, whether it be proximity to home, the relationship with the coach. Yes, facilities can be important, especially when you're in the north. When winter, maybe 6-7 months out of the year. Of course, it's important, but.

More importantly, is how? How do people get it done? Or do they find ways to be creative to get their training done in order to get the job done?
And then I I totally forgot about Katie Nejat.

Were Olympic gold medalists and now silver medalists in the pole vault? And I'm sure there are other great stories of student-athletes that came from.

We would imagine to being fewer green pastures. They don't have all that, the training tables and you know the gear and the facilities, but they're finding a way to get the job done and sometimes. And this is the topic that.

Coach Wichard and I talked about it.

One thing that's important to understand is some people don't want to be the 6th 7th best athlete in their event when they go to university there you might get better just because you're in that that training environment and some people don't, because they're in that training environment that it, it crushes them, it crushes their morale, it crushes their integrity as as as an athlete and.

Those are things to think about when you're talking to coaches asking them, hey coach, how many people do you plan on bringing in? How many people have you already signed?

In the events that I participate in.

If you're getting into June, July better believe that most people have already.

Filled the spots in that in that event group. But not, that's not always the case, so it's really important to understand that, especially if you're going to be on relays.

Yeah, if you're a distance runner, you're trying to run cross countryman, they there are. I know some programs. They only travel a certain number of athletes.  And if you're not in that, say it's, you know top 10.

You're not going to meet your at home during workouts until you are able to prove that you're able to, you know, be competitive, so those are all some things just to kind of get. Get things started that I just want to share.

well that's really good coach I mean like I always said I'll say it in front of people you always do a good job sometimes I feel like the man you should be leading this so

Well, that's a really good coach. I mean like, I always said I'll say it in front of people, you always do a good job. Sometimes I feel like man, you should be leading this so so your hats off to you and I'll give you the pub in front of everyone so you always do it. Do a good job. So really good, thorough, thorough information. So we're going to open up to DMS. I'll start the first one off if you're a college coach, go ahead and send a request.

I will accept you guys so that way you guys can jump in and answer the questions that were DM to either myself or Coach Burnett. And then you know we'll just keep going from there. So the first question that was sent to me was at what point during the year before, during after season, should my daughter initially email a college coach and what?

The grade should she start reaching out?

So that was that is the first question that someone asked me for tonight and that's a really, really good one. 'cause we see that a lot of people like when do we should we start? How should I start emailing coaches? So that's that is a really really good one. So you know one is obviously as a college. You know you're considered a prospect when you're in 9th grade.

OK, a sophomore.

You can start receiving questionnaires. You can get DM from a coach.

Of base saying hey, we would like you to go online to fill out our online questionnaire to get some basic information. They can send you some generic like emails regarding their school to you know the school program but it can't be anything specifically regarding.

You know recruiting specifically for them as an individual. And then starting your junior year.

Then college coaches can start calling the prospect. They can text them. They can call them unlimited text them unlimited and then things start rolling there and they can even do official visits their junior year so you know to answer that question you know of email. I personally would start, you know, towards the end of yours.

Sophomore year and it would be just an introduction. Keep it short like we've said in the past, keep it to a paragraph. Let me know who you are. Provide your grades, when you plan on taking the ACTS 82. Providing your mouse foot profile and then I would just tell them like hey I fill out the online questionnaire and I'm just asking what are your standards? What are you looking for?

When it comes to performances for the events that I do, I think that's important to know your sophomore year because that gives you a target goal and knowing what the expectations are, what of what you have to do coming into your junior year, especially when it comes to the high school track season and then going on to doing summer track. If you do that, so that's what that's would be. My recommendation regarding.

With that question, so Coach Burnett want to add anything to that?

Yeah, I think that's all great information and not being too long-winded in that introductory email is really important, because as some coaches have mentioned, they just don't read it. If it's four or five paragraphs long. So just being short to the point, I would even put a picture in there of yourself, put a picture in there, put a, you know if you have a video of yourself. Those are all things to kind of peak that coaches interest.

As to who is this person and from their coaches are going to hit the ground running doing their homework. I remember having a conversation with Jim Bevin who's the head coach at Rice on the women's side a couple of years ago.

And when they first started, kind of opening up, you know junior recruiting in terms of visits to campus. And I said, Jim, are you going to start doing that? He said, man, we don't even want to get that started because you know with rice being the prestigious academic institution that it is.

He said there's so much that can change about a student-athlete that we might wait until their summer their junior year or two.

Really start.

You know, dialling up the communication, but we will definitely do our homework when they start sending us information that summer of their sophomore year, so.

You know it I. I don't think that you can be.

Too early to start, but it's just a matter of again sending the right information. I would even include your coach's contact information in their club coach high school coach, sometimes.

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