Importance of Education New People in NFTS

NFT in Edu: 

So this is what I would suggest. If you are going to do a pitch because we pitched to networks and you know many things and we've had people pitch us for things you know. But throughout the years you know like 30 years, I've been hearing this shit and The thing is.

Questions arose. Make a make questions be aroused by what you're saying. Take the time to write this out and make sure that you're invoking something and to someone to make them want to ask questions about it. Then say it.

Real quick and then people go well.

About this and then now you're shilling for fucking three or four minutes where you only had 60 seconds.

Then people keep asking and then you have those answers, but at first, hit them up because it also saves you a bunch of time because if nobody asked questions about your stuff you can move on.

Yeah, and we old rooms do where we will, you know, allow you to come up if it's your first time pitching or maybe your hundredth time pitching and you really want some advice back on it.

Will I be able up to the stage? Do your pitch? We'll talk about it. Ask you questions, make it better.

So that when you go out there and you're doing that door to door spaces, spaces thing.

You're gaining something from it, and you're not just.

Working tirelessly.

For half the.

Are people that you're getting?

So can I, can I say something real quick Krista?

For sure.


one of the biggest things that I've noticed in any pitch any speech any show doesn't fucking matter what it is if you lack confidence and you yourself do not believe in what it is you are doing nobody around you is going to believe it OK so your

One of the biggest things that I've noticed in any pitch, any speech, any show doesn't fucking matter what it is. If you lack confidence and you yourself do not believe in what it is you are doing, nobody around you is going to believe it. OK, so your job is to convince us that this is 100% the way it is, and this is what's going to happen. And this is what I'm doing. And boom, that's it.


Talked to Mike, I changed my pitch recently and I dropped the mic every fucking time I leave the space because as soon as I finish it I leave the space.


It's killer, yeah, no, I remember that. It's freaking awesome. Yeah, you wanna invoke an emotion no matter what it may be. You know people commonly act upon emotion and it's important to do that. Grab the attention and capture it.

Right, why do you sit there and binge watch a God damn show? And when you know you should go your ass to sleep?

Because it ends off as fuck, no.

You gotta go to the next one to find out what's going on. That's what you want to do, and if you don't know how to do that, then you need to study a little bit of creative writing and how to create a pitch.

Did The funny thing is mine doesn't even talk about my art. My project directly itself. It's all about combers NFT and that's what's funny, you know, I I go into these spaces and when I leave the space after I do my pets.

My fucking DMS.

When are we gonna get a Netflix show of the Life and Times of the valley?

Yeah, we have a 10 episode and it's cast and written. You know like kind of like the crown.

cause it just brings you from, you know my childhood up to where we're at at this point in time. So it's pretty cool so.

that's sick i was like 20% kidding but 80% serious so I'm really excited to see that

Up until about it oh OK no yeah, no we're doing it. Yeah, it's it was supposed to be done before the pandemic.

Damn, I had no idea.


Are you going to put it on the blockchain?

See we don't kill ourselves enough.

I don't feel myself, I just don't because I you know what I I get it I'll tell you what I get out of this.

I get out of this when I'm out shooting St photography. I'll be out there for fucking hours. My routine is boring as hell to some people, but I love it. I'm fine with it, you know. Obviously, I'd like it.

I wake up.

Take a shower.

Well after I workout now wake up work out, take a shower. Then I'm writing for two to three hours. After that, I'm shooting for six to 12 hours. Then I'm answering questions blah blah blah. Then I'll work out. Then I play some video games, go to sleep.

That's sick, that's sick. I was. I was like 20% kidding, but 80% serious. So I'm really excited to see that.

I don't feel myself, I just don't because I you know what I I get it I'll tell you what I get out of this.

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I get out of this when I'm out shooting St photography. I'll be out there for fucking hours. My routine is boring as hell to some people, but I love it. I'm fine with it, you know. Obviously, I'd like it.

I wake up.

Take a shower.

Well after I workout now wake up work out, take a shower. Then I'm writing for two to three hours. After that, I'm shooting for six to 12 hours. Then I'm answering questions blah blah blah. Then I'll work out. Then I play some video games, go to sleep.

Same thing every fucking day. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I don't drink soda. I don't eat pork. I don't fucking eat bread. I fucking, you know. I mean, I'm like this dude fucking psycho. It's boring, it's fucking shit but I like my life I'm good. 

And then on the weekends or whatever I want to do, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do if I want to wake up you know and I'm not saying there's a certain schedule because if I wanna wake up 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon I fucking do it. So what I like about that is.

That I get to hear all these amazing fucking stories from everybody on the street because everybody I shot and you can see for my work everyone that I shot pictures of.

I see myself in them.

And I miss those stories.

I've heard about who is a crystal drop-kicking people in the face 'cause that shit was going down so I mean that that's.

We've been shot at, you know, stabbed whatever I mean, yeah, you know there's tons of stores. But The thing is, I I definitely I. I don't fight tornadoes fuck a tornado. I don't fight the ocean. I love the ocean. I swim in the Ocean Isle surf and not very well. OK, I like jet skis. I'm good with this shit. But you know, I ride motorcycles I'm good with that, but I don't fuck with nature. You understand and so I don't.

I can't stop this pandemic thing so I'm not going to go out And so for me to get those stories in that same feeling, I'm getting it vicariously through you guys. You know through you through the art that I get to see through the conversation that I have with you guys and so that makes me really happy now, honestly, that's why I love about this shit. I mean, for one, Eric and I were on the phone for two fucking hours today just talking about fucking nothing.

And I mean, I don't know if you can speak or you're there, but man we had.

No, I'm here. I'm here brother.

I mean, we. I mean, we were just kicking it, you know?

That time flew by like it was nothing.


So this is what I would suggest. If you are going to do a pitch because we pitched to networks and you know many things and we've had people pitch us for things you know. But throughout the years you know like 30 years, I've been hearing this shit and The thing is.

A pitch.

That is quick to the point.

And makes.

Questions arose. Make a make questions be aroused by what you're saying. Take the time to write this out and make sure that you're invoking something and to someone to make them want to ask questions about it. Then say it.

Real quick and then people go well.

About this and then now you're shilling for fucking three or four minutes where you only had 60 seconds.

Then people keep asking and then you have those answers, but at first, hit them up because it also saves you a bunch of time because if nobody asked questions about your stuff you can move on.

Yeah, and we old rooms do where we will, you know, allow you to come up if it's your first time pitching or maybe your hundredth time pitching and you really want some advice back on it.

Will I be able up to the stage? Do your pitch? We'll talk about it. Ask you questions, make it better.

So that when you go out there and you're doing that door to door spaces, spaces thing.

You're gaining something from it, and you're not just.

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